Psychotherapy for Millennials

Have you ever felt that although you are an adult, you aren’t really “adulting”? Millennials, those born from the 1980’s – early 2000’s, are experiencing unique generational challenges resulting from the crossover of multiple sociological phenomena made up of economic, political, and social factors. This is a generation that is constantly dealing with the chasm between expectations and reality. In addition to the common issues of “fraud syndrome”, financial stressors, feeling battered down by impossible expectations, and feelings of helplessness, millennials experience a staggering amount of anxiety as a group; There is a higher incidence of reported anxiety in the millennial generation than any other generation preceding them. As a millennial myself, I don’t have to imagine what it’s like – I’ve been there. Come chat with me over a cup of coffee, and we’ll explore the strength of perspective through cognitive behavioral therapeutic techniques, address any acute issues, and regain control of your life, with the goal of striving towards authentic living.